Visitation at Funeral Home
Funeral Service
I loved Mary Hubbell! We had such good times...she would come to the ICSD paraprofessional office to help on Thursdays and we would go to lunch together at Roma's. We would also travel out of state to NEA conferences. What fun we had, we even got kicked out of Universal Studios together. (long story, but innocent)! I learned a lot from Mary. She always talked about her family!! I am so sorry for your loss. I feel so lucky to have known her. - Debbie Minnick, retired ICSD
My condolences to Mary’s family. She was a great and long time friend of my mother’s. I’m sure they’re drinking a Bloody Mary, dancing and having long conversations together once again. Rest in peace.
Denise and family, I loved working with your mom during my teen years. She was a very special, loving woman who never missed a chance to talk about her family. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
My best wishes to all of you. Mary was such a fun person to be around. We had so many wonderful conversations and such respect for each other. She was certainly a special person and will be missed. Holly Youngs, ICSD Retirees.
I am so sorry to learn of Mary’s death. She was indeed a special person and a friend to all of us that worked at the Ithaca City School District. I would be at the funeral, but I am in Florida for the winter. You have been a wonderful daughter Denise.